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How to Trade Online

How to Trade Online

Open Demat and Trading Account:

  • To begin trading online you need to open an online trading account with an online broking firm. Upstox  & Angel Broking offers reliable Demat and trading accounts services with low maintenance cost and affordable brokerage. It is essential to choose a broker who is a registered member of all the stock exchanges and is certified by the SEBI.

  • Learn all the Stock Market Basics:

    The Stock Market functions on the system of supply and demand. Learning to trade begins with gaining more knowledge about the share market investment. Keeping tabs on financial news and websites, listening to pod-casts and taking up investing courses are all excellent ways to become an efficient investor.

    • Draft a plan:

      While you trade, it is very important to think through your investment strategies. Decide in advance how much you are willing to invest in a particular company and set limits on the amount of loss you are willing to bear.

    If you bear all these points in mind, online share trading will be an easy and profitable task for you. Practice is the key to successful online trading. Stock trading is a long-term investment and requires patience and perseverance.

    It involves buying and selling of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other related financial instruments online. For this purpose, you will require a Demat Account and a trading account. A Demat account acts as the common repository to store the purchased units of stocks whereas the trading account acts as the platform to buy and sell the share. A bank account is linked to the trading account to facilitate funding of trade.

    The major benefit of online trading is that investor can seek the help of dedicated customer care in case of any clarifications or queries.

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